3.2 Scheduled Payments Phase 2: Tokenised Card Payments

3.2.1 Tokenised Card Payments Sequence

Figure 14. Tokenised Payments Phase 2: Payment Sequence with Tokenised Card

3.2.2 Tokenised Card Payment Narration

Note: In the case of a scheduled payment with a tokenised card, there is no customer journey.
The regular payments scheduled by the merchant do not involve user intervention, or a checkout page.

  1. The Merchant is responsible for scheduling a payment for processing by VPG at their requested interval, frequency and amount.
  2. The Merchant makes a request to a REST service on VPG. The payload must include the customer token
  3. VPG requests the bank to process the batch.
  4. The bank responds asynchronously with the transaction result.
  5. VPG POSTS an asynchronous notification to the merchant with the result of the payment transaction.
    Take note, this is a lengthy batch process and runs as scheduled tasks between VFS and the bank.
    It should never be relied upon to be returned quickly or included in a synchronous user–journey with the customer.

